Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Couch is Calling...

This has been kind of a rough week.  I think that the flu slightly has a grip on me, but it's not as bad as the girls.  Let me break my week down for you:

Mon:  My birthday!  A good day, but a TIRED day.  I layed on the couch from 11-2 in a state of exhaustion, almost constantly sleeping.  Then I could BARELY keep my eyes open long enough to watch Castle.  I went to bed at 10.

Tues:  I honestly can't really remember what I did yesterday, I know that no cleaning was done, so let's just assume I was on the couch a lot.  And then I went to bed at 9.  Wah wah.

Wed:  Today I dragged myself out of bed at 7:30, after 10 1/2 hours of sleep.  Then I was back on the couch by 9:30ish, and didn't get up until 11:15.  Then I got hungry, and I thought to myself, 'make lunch, too hard'.  (can't even THINK in complete sentences.)  I had $5 in my purse, so we went and got some kids meals at Sonic, it is Wacky Wednesday after all ($1.99/kids meal).  I was back on the couch from 1-3.  And I GUEESSSS I'll be done napping for the day.  I don't really have any other symptoms other than sheer exhaustion and dizziness.  And for those of you who want to be funny and be all, 'oh, I bet you're pregnant', I say, impossible.  (I would say not funny, but I actually AM kind of feeling baby hungry)

But all of THAT info was boring.  So in OTHER news.....
This is a Valentine that Lily came home from school with on Monday.  Cameron made it for her.   John and I have both met Cameron, and frankly, he is a scary kid.  He's the kid who always goes into the principals office and if you tell him no, lily can't come to his house today.  He gets real angry about it real fast I feel uneasy around him.  Oh, and he's 5.  I told John we should keep the valentine, that way, when lily is 20 and we see him on the news we can show Lily the valentine, and tell him that she knew the guy.

I am also totally not a fan of little stinky boys sending valentines to my sweet little Lily-Pie.  But I know that this is going to be a problem for the rest of my life.  You see, she is absolutely gorgeous.  And I'm not just being biased.  People tell me all the time, and I believe them.  I'm not sure if I am going to be posting pics of my kids on this blog, I am kind of thinking blogs with pics of kids should be private...even though my other one isn't.  But I also haven't blogged on my other one in over a year...maybe 2??

Anyway, the point of putting up a picture of Lily's valentine is this:  Dear Cameron (and other stinky boys):  Don't send love notes home with my daughter, I will cut you.  ( a little to harsh??  whatevs)

Disclaimer:  If you didn't enjoy this post, please come back anyway, I'm sick.  I'm totally off my game. 


  1. Is it bad that I REALLY enjoyed this post, when you profess to be off your game?! hhahhahah!!

  2. Ooooh you're in so much trouble when he actually DOES get cut. Like, slashed. Maaaaaybe you don't want to keep that valentine. (small laugh?)

    I know what you mean, though. We have a neighbor boy/friend of Gwenna's who loves to hug and kiss her. And that's cool, they're friends. But they are NEVER allowed to be more. Ever. Eeeever.

  3. I'm sorry you're sick! I wish moms didn't have to be sick because we still have to take care of everyone. Isaac had a girlfriend in kindergarten too and now he hardly ever talks about her. Hopefully it will pass before things get too serious. ;)
