Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 04- List 15 songs that represent your life’s soundtrack.

Honestly, who can think of 15 songs off of the top of their head that represent there life?  I think this one is totally dumb.  But anyway, I will try a little...

1. ......

Nope, I'm already done, I'm super tired (yes, at 8:45) and I just can't pull songs out of the top of my head like that right now...or ever probably. 

Anyway, today was my most active day since having pneumonia, and it was HARD.  I was getting out of breath so easily, and then being out of breath was making me have chest pains, and it was super lame.  I guess I'm not fully recovered.  wah wahhhhh. 

Maybe sometimes (like right now), I shouldn't blog, cause I'm tired and boring.


Okay, sorry.  Here's something funny, so you'll want to come back:
(sorry it's all little, maybe if you click on it??)


  1. I hear ya! The 15 interesting facts on this list about killed me. I'd better go to bed early before attempting Day 4.

  2. 15 songs? I'm not sure I can think of one.

    I think the nicotine on salad is BRILLIANT.
