Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.

 (John and I at the Stake Valentines Day Luau)

I honestly don't know if there are 15 interesting things about me, but I'll try!

1. I love to bake bread.  This week, I have been baking 1 loaf a day out of my Bread Bible cookbook, and giving them away to the people who brought us meals when I was sick.

2. I have a very under active thyroid, and that's why I'm fat. (not interesting, just stupid)

3. I want lots of kids, like 6, and people are constantly judging me for wanting that many, and it makes me super mad.

4. My heart lives in Cedar City, Ut, even though I haven't lived there for 4 years.

5. I love to quilt....although it's been a while.

6. When John and I grow up, we dream of opening a bed and breakfast together.  Preferably one in Cedar City.

7. My 5 person family lives in a 2 bdrm duplex. And I don't find it fun.

8. I own a piano, but can hardly play it.  To everything a season....

This is hard....

9. I love to co sleep with my little ones AND nurse them until they are a year.  And people think I'm weird for both of these.

10. I think that scrapbooking is a super lame waste of time.

11. I couldn't cross my eyes until I was 24.

12. I love to do yard work, it makes me happy because it makes something look nicer AND it leaves me feeling exercised.  In Cedar City, I mowed the yard at 9 months pregnant, and people were all, 'ohhh you shouldn't do that."  If I only had a yard right now...

13. I can't draw.  My 5 year old can draw better than me.

14. I am a picker. I LOVE to pick at stuff, (hangnails, stickers, zits (tim) etc..)  and it drives John crazy.

15. I LOVE to watch movies.


  1. I found those things interesting! :)And hey, if you feel good enough to mow the lawn at 9 months pregnant, more power to you! Who cares!

  2. You are very interesting. I am a picker too, and I made the mistake of telling Jason to stop me from picking at my face if he saw me. So of all the things I have asked him to do for me, THIS is the one he remembers to do. So frustrating! I just want to pick my face in peace!
    I think you should make a game of making people uncomfortable and judgey judge about your decisions. I think you should tell people you want 12 kids so then when you stop at 6 they are like sha-woo! People are dumb. O_o I don't like them most times, so don't even listen to them. Your kids are great so you must be doing something right!
