Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Mom on Meds

I have totally blogged in the past, about my post pardom depression I have suffered with Maya.  I was nursing, so the only anti-depressant I could take was Zoloft.  Zoloft took the edge off, but I still wasn't good.  When I finished nursing, I was like YEA!  Finally!  And I went straight to my Dr. to get some Celexa.  I took Celexa previously and it worked way good.  Anyway i didn't mean for this to turn into a big story about what meds camilla is taking.  I just wanted to let you know  that


The light has come on.  I know that for a lot of people talking about PPD and being on meds is totally taboo and people do it in secret.  But I have come to the  point where I feel comfortable talking about it and I think we all should.  Having babies MESSES STUFF UP and it's okay to take something to put it back where it should  be.

Let me tell you how I KNOW the Celexa is working:

1. I don't sleep like a teenager anymore.  Saturday is my sleep in day, (sunday is johns)  I can hardly take my sleep in day anymore. Since I'm not depressed, I can't sleep 12 hours straight and lay in bed like I have no will to live.

2.  I have actually gone to the grocery store at like 8 am before John goes to work so I can go w/out kids.  I used to judge you, Kelly Crowder, and be like how can you DO THAT?   how can you shop so early? but now i know!

3. My productivity has gone up like crazy.  On sunday, before my 1:30 church, i made homemade hummus AND wheat thins, AND did a craft with the kids to send to Grandma.

4. (this is a big one)  I don't take naps.  I used to need naps EVERY DAY without fail.  And I always thought I was my  thyroid problems, that I was tired from that.  But since i've been on these meds, I  habitually try a nap,but I just don't need it. (my kids love this)

There are many, many more things that I could  write about, explaining how much better I feel right now, but it might get to long, and I like short blog posts.

Unfortunately, it hasn't fixed everything.  I still HATE taking Lily shopping.  She is so picky and some things just aren't 'her style'.  Luckily, the girls have a patient dad, and I'm pretty sure that in the teenage years, he'll be doing the shopping with the kids.  I hate shopping so bad, and I just can't take it.

Anyway, some of you might think this post is weird, but for me, after having lots of depression for a long time, I'm feeling like I'm on cloud 9.


  1. YAY, YAY, YAYYY!!! I am SO happy for you. I definitely believe in the power of medication where properly prescribed and properly used (this totally falls under that category). SO happy for you.

  2. How awesome.

    Seriously, Camilla, shopping before 8 am is amazing. If you're up and can do it, why not?! :) Unfortunately I'm less inclined than I used to be these days so can we swap motivations for a while? LOL
