Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day..whatever, What is in your purse?

Okay peeps, this is going to get weird....

cough drop
mayas immunization card
a mini dots box
a wipe from when lily got a bloody nose at target
cell phone
keys to my car
LOTS of reciepts
keys to johns car

before i had kids, i didn't even carry a purse.  It's not for me, it's for my kids, so that i always have wipes and diapers on me for the unfortunate public poo-ing.

Sorry I haven't been blogging.  Been having a rough time.  I started the HCG diet which was a huge fail cause it made me feel sick and crappy.   And right now I'm on my 4th day of extreme nausea and buttox cleansing, and I don't know what's causing it.  (tmi)  Def not pg tho.


  1. I am so sad you are still sick from it! That stinks. I totally did like 4 cheater posts in which I finished this challenge soundly because I was over it. I also quit my diet. I am a quitter lately and I think I am OK with it for the time being.

  2. Boo! Sorry man. I don't think the stuff in your purse is that weird, btw...
