Saturday, June 25, 2011


"A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell."
~ C.S. Lewis
I have been thinking about blogging about something for a while now, but have not.  It made me wonder what people would think of me.  I have thought about my audience, and how none of them would agree with me, and some might even like me less, but I have decided after reading that quote today, that I am going to blog about it.  Because it is after all, only my opinion.

I don't care if gay people get married.  (gasp!  shock!)  I just don't.  As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I fully realize that I am supposed to be against this, but I am not.  One of the big reasons that I have been taught to oppose this, is because it 'ruins the sanctity of marriage' or something like that.  But if you think about it, there are husbands beating, and even raping there wives all over the world RIGHT NOW.  I think that defies the sanctity of marriage even more than two same sexed people in a loving, respectful relationship.  And I don't care what OTHER marriages are doing.  All I care about is MY marriage.  MY marriage is sacred and MY marriage is eternal.  MY marriage is just what I want it to be.  Other marriages do not bring my marriage down.  
I could get into this issue SO MUCH more to share my opinion more deeply and get into detail about everything, but no matter what I say, people will try to debate me, and I'm not opening a debate.  I've been there, and done that and my beliefs haven't changed.  So this is my opinion that I am sharing.  Everyone has different beliefs, we should all have the right to be happy, despite our beliefs.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Mom on Meds

I have totally blogged in the past, about my post pardom depression I have suffered with Maya.  I was nursing, so the only anti-depressant I could take was Zoloft.  Zoloft took the edge off, but I still wasn't good.  When I finished nursing, I was like YEA!  Finally!  And I went straight to my Dr. to get some Celexa.  I took Celexa previously and it worked way good.  Anyway i didn't mean for this to turn into a big story about what meds camilla is taking.  I just wanted to let you know  that


The light has come on.  I know that for a lot of people talking about PPD and being on meds is totally taboo and people do it in secret.  But I have come to the  point where I feel comfortable talking about it and I think we all should.  Having babies MESSES STUFF UP and it's okay to take something to put it back where it should  be.

Let me tell you how I KNOW the Celexa is working:

1. I don't sleep like a teenager anymore.  Saturday is my sleep in day, (sunday is johns)  I can hardly take my sleep in day anymore. Since I'm not depressed, I can't sleep 12 hours straight and lay in bed like I have no will to live.

2.  I have actually gone to the grocery store at like 8 am before John goes to work so I can go w/out kids.  I used to judge you, Kelly Crowder, and be like how can you DO THAT?   how can you shop so early? but now i know!

3. My productivity has gone up like crazy.  On sunday, before my 1:30 church, i made homemade hummus AND wheat thins, AND did a craft with the kids to send to Grandma.

4. (this is a big one)  I don't take naps.  I used to need naps EVERY DAY without fail.  And I always thought I was my  thyroid problems, that I was tired from that.  But since i've been on these meds, I  habitually try a nap,but I just don't need it. (my kids love this)

There are many, many more things that I could  write about, explaining how much better I feel right now, but it might get to long, and I like short blog posts.

Unfortunately, it hasn't fixed everything.  I still HATE taking Lily shopping.  She is so picky and some things just aren't 'her style'.  Luckily, the girls have a patient dad, and I'm pretty sure that in the teenage years, he'll be doing the shopping with the kids.  I hate shopping so bad, and I just can't take it.

Anyway, some of you might think this post is weird, but for me, after having lots of depression for a long time, I'm feeling like I'm on cloud 9.